Legal Structures

World Land Trust

World Land Trust (WLT) is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.

WLT’s registered office is:

Blyth House
Bridge Street
IP19 8AB

Tel: 01986 874 422

Company number: 2552942
Charity number: 1001291

World Land Trust Trading

Like many charities World Land Trust has a non-charitable trading subsidiary that manages trading activities to generate funds for the Trust’s charitable conservation activities.

World Land Trust Trading Ltd (WLTT) is a trading subsidiary wholly owned by World Land Trust which is the only shareholder in the company.

The Trust’s trading activities include WLT’s carbon offset and tree planting programmes for corporate supporters, and items sold in WLT gallery.

Carbon offsets and tree planting for corporate supporters

Management of the Trust’s carbon offset and tree planting programmes for corporate supporters is carried out entirely by WLT, in conjunction with the Trust’s overseas project partners. The sole aim of the programmes is to benefit conservation by protecting and restoring the world’s wilderness areas. WLT does not trade in the offsets produced and any profit generated by these programmes is transferred from WLTT to World Land Trust for reinvestment in conservation work.

Corporate carbon offsets and tree planting are considered to be services and are therefore subject to VAT.

World Land Trust Trading Ltd’s registered office is:

Blyth House
Bridge Street
IP19 8AB

Tel: 01986 874 422

Company number: 5913370
VAT number: 895 6046 80